Training courses and workshops in Bromsgrove
Training / Courses / Workshops |
Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SENDIASS) FREE Training Workshops
Please see below details of various FREE SENDIASS Training Workshops for parent carers and professionals across Herefordshire and Worcestershire along with the links to more information and booking details for each workshop. Also see attached SENDIASS Poster. If you have any questions about any of the workshops, or would like to book a session at your setting, group or organisation please email
Workshops for Parent Carers:
Digital Skills Courses at the Libraries This Autumn, Bromsgrove, Redditch, and Rubery libraries are offering a range of Digital Skills courses from Beginners to Entry 3. Learners will be supported to build their confidence in working with computers, improve their job prospects and gain a qualification. Further details can be found on the links below.
Adult English & Maths and Digital & IT Skills Courses – HOW College HOW college are offering functional skills and GCSEs in English and Maths to any adults who are looking for the opportunity to learn in these areas. Or for anyone looking to learn new IT skills or expand their existing knowledge, enrolment is now taking place for various IT based courses. Further details can be found here for Adult English and Maths 23, and here for Digital & IT Skills Academy . There is also the opportunity to learn out in the community, in conjunction with The Sandycroft Centre, here Community at Heart – IT 2023 and here Community at Heart – Reiki 2023 courses will start in September. Full information on both community courses and details on how to book on can be found attached.
*New Dates* Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Workshops Want to know more about what ABCD actually is? This is a great opportunity to attend a one-day, interactive workshop, presented by the ABCD team. This free, in person ABCD workshop is open to everyone working & living in Worcestershire. Professionals & community groups working to improve community health & wellbeing will find this workshop of interest. With a focus on community building and co-production, ABCD looks at what is strong, building on the gifts (skills, experiences, knowledge & passion) within local communities and connects neighbourhood assets together to build citizen power. The workshop will help attendees: Understand & apply ABCD principles, become aware of the tools & support available in ABCD application; communicate the value of an ABCD approach with teams & partners. Use this link to book and find out more information: