Finstall Parish Council is entitled to be consulted on all relevant planning applications that are notified to the Planning Authority, Bromsgrove District Council. We do not make the planning decision as that is Bromsgrove DC’s responsibility, but we can provide the local point of view and we welcome all residents’ comments on any application put before us. As long as we have enough time then all the planning consultations will be presented to the parish council meeting for consideration and a response. Sometimes the council’s meeting programme falls outside the consultation period, in which case we would ask for an extension to the consultation period to give us more time to comment or alternatively the parish council might hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the application.
When consulted, the parish council is limited to the extent of comments that can be made which should be consistent with the material considerations that the Planning Authority will recognise such as these shown here:
Planning policy Relevant local, national and regional policies | Check National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Planning Policy Guidance, local development control policies eg barn conversions, house extensions via Bromsgrove district council. |
Listed status | Are any of the buildings listed? See Historic England. |
Use classes. | What are the current use classes of the buildings? Eg retail outlet, domestic residence or industrial use. See Planning Portal |
Current status | Is the building derelict or redundant? |
Economic issues | Relevance concerning industrial, commercial use, traffic, jobs. |
Setting | Is it set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or a Conservation Area which has related policies for design and physical qualities? |
Planning history | What is the planning history of the site? |
Adjacent sites of interest | Is there an adjacent site of public interest such as an ancient monument or Site of Special Scientific Interest? |
Highways Access & Rights of Way | How will development affect traffic – vehicular & pedestrian – and will there be an impact on public rights of way? |
Traffic | Will the proposal generate extra traffic and how will it impact locally? |
Services | Is the infrastructure in place ie water, gas, electricity, highway access, waste collection? |
Local perception | Does the application conform to the Parish or Neighbourhood Plan and/or Village Design Statement? |
Visual impact | How will the proposed development affect its setting in relation to design, layout and appearance? |
Privacy | Will it impact on the privacy of others or will it preserve its own space? |
Noise and smell | Will there be issues relating to an environmental nuisance? |
Related decisions | What happened to other similar proposals? |
Effect of light | Will there be loss of daylight or sunlight, or light pollution? |
Hazardous materials | Will hazardous materials be stored on site? |
Contamination | Is the land contaminated from previous use? |
Trees | Does the proposal intend to retain all existing trees? |
Nature conservation | Will any protected species be harmed? |
Cumulative Impact | How will layout and density of buildings impact locally? |
Archaeology | Will an archaeological survey be required prior to development? |
Flooding | Is the site in a recognised flood zone? |
Disabled enabled | If it relates to a public building can the less able access it? |
Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s17 | Will the proposal comply with legal requirements to prevent crime and disorder? See the Act s17.