Job vacancy
We are seeking a new Clerk following our current Clerk’s retirement at the end of January.
The job will suit anyone looking for 6 hours work each week with pay in the NALC/SLCC salary range LC2 spinal column points 18 to 23, ie £15.84 to £17.29 per hour depending on qualifications and experience.
There are 564 electors in the parish and the precept of £12,896 impacts on the Band D council taxpayer by £40.81 per year.
The Council of seven elected members meets once a month except in August and has adopted the General Power of Competence (to be re-validated in May 2027). We are responsible for the Penmanor Recreation Ground, a 3-plot allotment site, two bus shelters and noticeboards, website; various highways benches, bins, planters and a Vehicle Activated Sign. We are fully engaged in the Lengthsman scheme and a parish newsletter is issued up to four times per year.
Please contact either the outgoing Clerk on email / tel 07958 450482, or the Chairman Cllr Will Taylor tel: 07511 115991.