Flooding review
The parish council has been asked to comment on the county council’s flood risk management strategy and surface water management plan…
Please note: All responses to this email to be sent to the Flood Risk Management Team flooding@worcestershire.gov.uk by Friday 24th November at the latest.
We are currently in the process of updating the Worcestershire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and the associated Surface Water Management Plan for the county, which is part of the ongoing development of the county’s Environment Improvement Plan.
Worcestershire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority is required to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy to manage local flood risk which is consistent with the national strategy. The national strategy was updated in 2020 and the Worcestershire Strategy, which can be found on our website at:
https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/flooding/plans-policies-and-strategies is now also due a refresh. The Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) forms the risk assessment part of the Worcestershire Strategy.
In order to help us to update the Strategy, we would like your responses to the following questions about the existing one.
- Have you ever looked at/referred to the local flood risk strategy? If you have, did you find it useful/helpful? If so, in what way(s) was it useful?
- Are there things that you would want included in the Strategy that aren’t currently included?
- Is the current structure of the Strategy right? Are the objectives and measures still relevant?
The link to the full Strategy is given above, but for ease of reference the structure of the existing Strategy is as follows.
- Background
- Legislative and Policy Context
- Worcestershire Flood Risk
- Organisational Responsibilities
- Worcestershire Partnerships
- Communities
- Planning
- Actions to Manage Flood Risk
- Flood Risk Management
- Environmental Objectives
The Strategy will not be specifying locations for future flood alleviation schemes – there will be a separate ‘live’ document that does this, updated annually depending on the funding available and any changes to the county wide SWMP (due to locations that experience flooding during the lifetime of the Strategy for example). We intend to undertake a full public consultation on the draft SWMP as well as the draft updated LFRMS, next year (2024).
Please submit your responses on the three questions above to flooding@worcestershire.gov.uk by Friday 24th November at the latest.