County Council seeks panel members to advise on members’ allowances.
Independent Remuneration Panel for Worcestershire County Council
Are you interested in local democracy and how Councillors carry out their role?
Worcestershire County Council is looking for two members of the public to join its Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) which advises the Council on the allowances to be paid to Councillors.
Meetings normally take place 3 times per year at County Hall, Worcester, although some may be held on-line. More frequent meetings will be required when a full review of the scheme is being undertaken. Such reviews usually take place in the year prior to Local Government elections. The next full review is taking place during 2023/early 2024. The IRP, whilst supported by officers, is entirely independent of the elected members of the Council. It considers evidence and views on the payments to elected members and makes recommendations to the Council.
This post is on a voluntary basis and the appointment will be for an initial four-year period, which may be renewed. The duties involved may require travelling and such expenses will be re-imbursed.
Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel can come from all walks of life and backgrounds. There are no specific qualifications needed to become a Panel Member. Personal qualities are more important, such as the ability to approach questions with an open mind, to examine critically and to draw conclusions. Panel Members cannot be an elected Member of the Authority or a member of any committees of the authority and must not be disqualified from becoming a member of the Authority.
Details are on the Council’s website at More details are available in the pack which is on the website and applications must be completed and returned to by 5pm on Wednesday 4 October 2023.