Local roads
Finstall parish once again has a Lengthsman to help the county highways keep on top of drains and pavements.
The role of the Lengthsman is to…
A. Support the highways drainage system by:
- Clearing gully grates
- Clear verge grips
- Clear headwalls, outfalls
- Advise landowners and frontagers when their ditches need cleaning.
B. Support the highways vegetation clearance by:
- Remove vegetation obstructing signs
- Remove vegetation at junction visibility splays
- Removal of basal tree growth from highway trees
- Pulling/ cutting of noxious weeds following site specific approval from the Manager
- Side out footways to normal width and spread arisings on verge where possible
- Negotiate with frontagers for them to cut back overhanging vegetation.
C. Attend to miscellaneous highways works, such as:
- Rotation and charging of mobile Vehicular Activated Signs (VAS) following site specific approval and authorisation from the Manager.
- Cleaning dirty signs and/or retighten brackets, reposition signs which have been knocked out of place where no excavation is required (except illuminated signs)
- Painting of heritage cast iron direction signs
- Snow clearance and gritting/ salting by hand
- Removal of illegal fly posting
- Maintenance and repainting of highways approved visibility fencing.
At the moment, the Weak Bridge sign in Upper Gambolds Lane cannot be fixed back in place because there is no ground to stick it into. County Highways know about this and are looking for a solution, in the meantime please drive carefully.